Quick start#

You need first to initialize the client in your main.py file:

from mongofire import MongoFire

And then you can use it in any file in your project like this:

from mongofire import MongoDB
db = MongoDB('myAppDatabase')

Set a Document#

To create or overwrite a single document, use the following example:

data = {
    'name': 'Mohamed',
    'age': 20,


If the document does not exist, it will be created. If the document does exist, its contents will be overwritten with the newly provided data, unless you specify that the data should be merged into the existing document, as follows:

doc_ref = db.collection('users').document('my_custom_uid')
doc_ref.set({'gender': 'male'}, merge=True)

Update a Document#

If you want to update any field in the document, you can use the update method. You can increment values, push or pull items from the list, rename fields, and more.

from mongofire import Field, FieldValue
    'name': Field.rename('username'),
    'age': FieldValue.increment(1),

Add a Document#

Sometimes the document ID doesn’t make sense, and it’s okay to be random. In that case, you can use the add method instead of the set method.

status, doc_ref = db.collection('users').add({
    'name': 'Max',
    'age': 30,

You can get the randomly generated ID by doc_ref.id.

Delete a Document#

Delete any document as follows:
